Become A Volunteer

- Job Description -


Anywhere - I attend events throughout the UK!


• If you’re assisting: A positive reference for any future employers (provided Terms are followed appropriately), plus free entry to the event, free food / drinks (non-alcoholic) provided on the day(s), an opportunity to gain experience, socialise, network, see new things, & generally have fun.

• If you’re accommodating us at your event/venue or sharing your talents for fundraising purposes: A positive review, optional feedback on disabled accessibility, & free promotion through LippyArt.


We require volunteers for a variety of reasons, such as…

• Assistant Volunteers for attending events, helping with set-up, and general running of my stall/exhibition space (involves lifting stock / boxes / tables, arranging items for display, customer service, socialising, fundraising, occasionally dressing in costume, taking photos at the event for LippyArt’s diaries).

• Volunteering your venue or event for fundraising purposes (for my projects). If you host an event or venue and are willing to allow us to attend & exhibit there, please contact me! All offers and fundraising ideas are welcome, and any time given is greatly appreciated!

• Talent Volunteers: I am looking for talented and generous people willing to offer their time in aid of my fundraising projects. If you’re a performer (such as a musician, artist, etc) willing to attend one of my fundraisers, please contact me! All ideas are welcome, and any time given is greatly appreciated!

Other information:

• No previous experience required.

• Punctuality, reliability, trustworthiness, honesty, respectfulness, and a willingness to learn and improvise are essential. 

• All Assistant applicants must have valid certification for working with vulnerable people (such as: CRB Check, DBS Check, etc).


By becoming a LippyArt Volunteer, you (the volunteer) agree to the following…

• You understand that submitting an application to volunteer does not guarantee you a space as a volunteer; all choices and selections are made at LippyArt's discretion. 

• If accepted, you understand that LippyArt may initially request a meeting &/or online interview, to ensure you are suitable for the position.

• If accepted, you understand that LippyArt may cancel an event at any time, at her discretion. LippyArt cannot be held liable for cancellations.

• You agree to respect LippyArt's privacy at all times. You will keep any information gained during the time worked/volunteered for LippyArt strictly confidential (even after your time as a volunteer has ended). You understand that Legal action can be taken if you share information without LippyArt's written consent.

• Whilst volunteering for LippyArt, you are representing the artist and her reputation; consequently, you are expected to always speak in a polite and pleasant manor whilst in the presence of the public (no biases or vulgar language), dress appropriately for the kind of event we are attending, clean up after yourself, and make sure you do not leave things where people can injure themselves (e.g. to trip over).

• Intoxication (drugs or alcohol) will not be tolerated under any circumstances; if you attend any LippyArt events in an intoxicated state, you will be asked to leave immediately and - if necessary - escorted off the premises; if you attend any LippyArt events and are found to be carrying illegal substances, you will be asked to leave immediately and escorted off the premises.

• You understand that if you break something, you must report it as soon as possible to LippyArt, and that you may be held financially responsible for it (depending on the item broken and circumstances). If there is evidence to suggest you have deliberately failed to report damages (e.g. camera footage or witness), LippyArt can decline to give a reference (and anything else which she has agreed upon in writing as a "wage"); if there is sufficient evidence to suggest you are financially responsible, additional charges may be billed for your dishonesty (these charges will be equal to how much it has cost LippyArt to have you with them at the event (e.g. entry fee, food/drink, additional fuel, etc); plus time lost & fees incurred if legal action is taken and won).

• If you are unsure about anything at all, do not take action without asking first.

• You understand and agree that punctuality is essential; always arrive at an agreed destination on time or slightly early. Please keep in mind that setting-up at events begins much earlier than public opening-times (to give an idea, commonly setup for events could start anywhere between 5.00am and 9.00am). 

• You agree to follow instructions (as applicable) to the best of your ability, and understand that the area in which you are working is a public space, and anything we do must be made safe (if you are unsure, ask LippyArt or her assistant to check before opening time).

• You are responsible for your own health & safety, and common-sense responsibilities; LippyArt cannot be held responsible. You understand that you can decline to do any tasks of which you are not comfortable. 

NOTE: The name LippyArt referrs to Leanne Beetham BSc (Hons).


If you are interested in volunteering, please click the appropriate button below and fill out a form. Your details will be added to a database so that when an event is planned, I can easily contact you to make arrangements. Details of Assistant and Talent Volunteers will only be held for 1 year, you must then reapply if you’re still interested. Please remember that there will also be others applying from the same location - just because you aren’t selected for one event doesn’t mean I won’t contact you for future ones.

© Leanne Beetham / Lippy~Art. All Rights Reserved

All Content On This WebPage, including the "Lippy~Art" name, Is Copyright ©. 2008-present. Permissions To Reproduce Leanne Beetham's Artworks Are Granted Only To The "Association Of The Mouth & Foot Painting Artists" (AMFPA / MFPA / VDMFK). 

No part of this website or associated pages with Lippy~Art / Leanne Beetham (e.g. official Lippy~Art Facebook, Flickr, & Twitter Pages) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Leanne Beetham.


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Please see our Privacy Policy for details.